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EITC & OSTC Tax Credits

A Program with Impact

Turn your PA state tax dollars into financial aid for Ancillae students through this easy and impactful program!  Do you or your company pay Pennsylvania income taxes?

Why not donate them to Ancillae? Businesses and individuals can redirect their state tax dollars to Ancillae Assumpta Academy through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs.

Funds received under these programs provide need-based tuition assistance to students at Ancillae-Assumpta Academy:

  • 75% of your contribution to Ancillae-Assumpta Academy will go as a tax credit for your business.
  • This increases to 90% if you agree to contribute the same amount for 2 years.

This program enables you to make a substantial need-based aid donation at little cost to you while helping to make an Ancillae education possible for more families.

Funds from the EITC/OSTC Program are our main source of financial aid and bring an Ancillae education within reach for many grateful families.

We simply cannot do this without you, and hope we can count on your participation and promotion of this win-win opportunity!

Ancillae-Assumpta Academy

How It Works

A Donation in Action

See the Impact Firsthand!

A couple makes their first contribution of $5,000 to fund a BLOCS Scholarship LLC. In turn, they receive a PA Tax Credit in the amount of $4,500 (90% of state taxes owed); have the ability to claim $500 (the remaining 10% of their contribution) as a charitable donation on their federal tax return—a $185 benefit based on a 37% tax rate; and provide Ancillae with up to $5,000 in need-based aid funds for an out-of-pocket cost of $315.