Language Area

This area develops the various components of language that lead a child to be able to communicate as well as understand what is being communicated. The readiness skill to recognize differences and similarities, sequence and retell a story, understand position, and classify assist in a growing comprehension in both visual and auditory instruction.  In preparation for reading, all materials of the environment organize in a left to right, top to bottom layout to prepare the brain for tracking print when reading. Children use multiple senses as they are introduced concretely to the symbol and sound relationship of letters.  As this relationship develops, children will begin to blend the sounds to form words- a phonetic approach to reading readiness.   Children also experience extensive vocabulary in all areas of the environment. Many activities involve matching and labeling using the written word – a whole language approach to reading readiness.  Children are moved at the pace in which they are prepared to be successful and gain confidence in expressing ideas and approaching the start in their reading journey.

“Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as the enthuse him to his inmost core.”