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Our Faith Life

Ancillae-Assumpta Academy is a private Catholic school that warmly welcomes families and students of all faiths into our community.

All students participate in the study of the Catholic faith, share in liturgical worship and prayer experiences, and actively serve others both inside and outside the school community. At the same time, children of other faith traditions are encouraged to share their own beliefs and religious practices. 


Sacramental Program

The second grade Religion curriculum includes preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. With the permission of their pastor, Catholic students have the option to receive these Sacraments at school in the fall of second grade. The sixth grade Religion curriculum includes preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which students receive in their parishes in either 7th or 8th Grade. 


Service Learning

We incorporate service learning into our rich curriculum with the intention of framing the students’ academic development in a Christian framework, recognizing that the gifts that we have been given are meant to be strengthened and shared in solidarity with our brothers and sisters. Students learn to appreciate and to care for the particular gifts and abilities they have received, especially their education, and recognize their responsibility to develop these gifts and to share them in creative ways.


St. Raphaela Mary Chapel

Ancillae's school chapel is located in the first and second grade hallway.  The chapel is open every morning for students to visit. Classes also have the opportunity to come to chapel for prayer services, adoration, and a class mass.  This welcoming space gives children a quiet and still environment to reflect and pray. 

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Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ancillae is just one school of many sponsored by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an international community of Roman Catholic Sisters of all ages, races, and cultural backgrounds. Their core values are Joy, Hospitality, Simplicity, Humility, and Compassion. The Handmaid charism serves as the core of our educational philosophy here at Ancillae.

Faith In Action

Connecting Globally

Heart to Heart, a R.I.C.E. networking program designed to actualize the ACI Mission, networks with Handmaid missions throughout the world, enabling children to help other children. By sharing resources, Heart to Heart builds unity and promotes justice and peace. Families are encouraged to participate by making a donation to educate a child in impoverished schools served by the Handmaids.

Read More about Connecting Globally
ACI Associate Program

The ACI Associate experience invites women and men to deepen their relationship with God in the spirit of St. Raphaela Mary. This bonding challenges them to live in the spirit of reparation and Eucharist in their daily living. Monthly meetings include faith sharing and the prayer of Adoration.

Read More about ACI Associate Program

"I love that students are open to sharing a journey of Faith with me. I love that they trust me enough to ask questions. I love their respect and reverence for Faith practices. I love that I get to grow along with them. I consider teaching Religion a privilege and a ministry."Dr. Maureen RillingDir. of Religious Education