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Meet Our Faculty & Staff

Kevin Allen

Kevin Allen

Food Service
Amelia Anderson

Amelia Anderson

Fine Arts
Gena Anderson '76

Gena Anderson '76

William Augustin

William Augustin

Middle School
JoAnne Becher

JoAnne Becher

Food Service
Bevin Bodnar

Bevin Bodnar

Early Childhood
Susie Bown

Susie Bown

Extended Day

Marie Boyden '76

Bethanne Brown

Bethanne Brown

Lower School
Clare Brown

Clare Brown

Early Childhood
Kathy Brown

Kathy Brown

Fine Arts
Mariya Broytman

Mariya Broytman

Fine Arts
Jen Burns

Jen Burns

Food Service
Stephen Bythrow

Stephen Bythrow

Fine Arts
Andrea Chaykosky

Andrea Chaykosky

Fine Arts
Kelly Chipman

Kelly Chipman

Early Childhood
Jennifer Chipman '91

Jennifer Chipman '91

Lower School
Emma Christensen

Emma Christensen

Early Childhood, Extended Day
Jennifer Clemente

Jennifer Clemente

Middle School
Haley Cliggett '16

Haley Cliggett '16

Extended Day
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Our Board of Trustees

Living "Ad Finem Fidelis"

The Board of Trustees joins the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the school community as custodians of the mission of Ancillae-Assumpta Academy, embracing the Handmaids’ charism, values, and Ministry of Education in the service of the Gospel.

Read More about Living "Ad Finem Fidelis"